When I was on Tumblr I really enjoyed the Ask utility. I won't say that I got asked a ton of questions, but I got asked enough that it was fun and interesting. It often made me stop and reflect on things I posted and things I was doing, which is healthy to do now and again.

Recently, on Necoties I've seen a couple of people implement a similar thing on their website, and I'm simply following suit. Doing so out of nostalgia for Tumblr days and as a result of inspiration from them. [1] [2]

NO - I repeat NO - question is off limit. I will answer each and every single one and share them here. If you want to know about my personal life, my website, my dog, my job, my music or art, my kids, my opinions on things, whatever you can imagine to ask about - I will answer.

I will post answers below the question box. Ask anonymously or let me know who you are, either way!

Anonymous asked:
Do you own any decks from yet? They're usually at the MN renfest btw ;)

I don't, no, thanks for the tip tho, some really cool decks available there! Gonna have to cop some for sure.

Anonymous asked:
damn okay edgelord we get it disabled people's accessibility devices aren't important to you

I wouldn't say that's accurate, but you've already clearly made up your mind. This is a personal site. If some people stumble on it and can view it and enjoy it, awesome. If not, there's literally no loss in the world on either parties part.

Anonymous asked:
Would you give me a premise for an rpg video game that will make me a million dollars?

Sure, as soon as we sign a contract addressing intellectual property, royalties, and the like.

Anonymous asked:
"fuck your phone, view on desktop" and yet here I am, on my phone, viewing your site just fine. I rarely use a computer because I have limited mobility. my phone is the way I access the internet. I would appreciate if you could drop the edgy mobile hostility for a minute and think about the people who actually have to use their phones and would like to have fun looking at indie websites.

I mean, I feel you. That's half the reason my site is, more or less, more or less mobile friendly. Also settle down a little bit and catch some sarcasm when you run across it. Also, honestly, fuck your phone.

Anonymous asked:
What do you see from your window?

I spend most of my time in my basement, so the only window is a "garden level" window of my backyard. Photos, one at night and one during the day, for reference.

Anonymous asked:
I was happy to see that you have leaned further away from AI, AI art specifically. What is your position now and what made you change your mind?

So many things come into play, but ultimately it's a sort of spiritual thing. I have really been struggling with the lack of basic decency going on in the world, the lack of connection to fellow humans, the disregard for others and for nature and for animals. And everything AI seems like an even further disconnection. With special regard to longevity and history and cultural importance.

Anonymous asked:
Which one is your favorite movie from Terror genre?

I think you meant the "horror" genre and if so, I'd have to go with
Antichrist. It's a tough watch in more than a couple places, but I love films that make me uncomfortable.

Anonymous asked:
Of all the instant noodles you've sampled, which brand/pack/type is your favorite?

So far I think my favorite have been the MAMA Spicy Pork ones, but I haven't really kept tabs or thought of ranking them - but I am going to now, moving forward!

Anonymous asked:
How dead is the paint?

The paint is killed only to be reborn, so it depends on the day. Today? The paint is alive and well.