

Got off my sorry ass and started therapy again. With a new clinic and a new therapist. First session was today.

I was pretty nervous to go in, I'm not going to lie. It's kind of a big step to admit you need therapy and to actually follow through on getting it. I salute anyone who has done it or is doing it and recommend that anyone even remotely considering doing it to make the move and get started.

I elected to try a female therapist this time. I tend to get along better with women, first of all. Secondly, the last time I tried therapy was with a guy and he was one of those fake it until you make it types. He even told me one time "Get up in the morning and look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are capable and valuable". Motherfucker, I know that. Anyhow. My new therapist is a woman and she's significantly younger than I am. When I first sat down I wasn't too sure about her being so much younger than I am, for a number of reasons. But fairly quickly those concerns left my mind.

I'm stoked to go back next week. I already feel a little lighter. It's amazing what therapy can do.

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